Upstream E&P

Delivering unparalleled E & P services for the socio economic benefit of our people and other stakeholders.

Corporate Profile

Our approach is distinctly innovative. We constantly seek new ways to increase client.

Our upstream services extend from front end engineering design to testing and solutions, in the areas of enhanced oil and gas recovery, PVT and reservoir fluid phase behavior, special core analysis, petroleum geology and geochemistry, reservoir formation evaluation, flow assurance and production chemistry, drilling and completion evaluation and field and wellsite services.

Laboratory data provided by upstream services are used by oil and gas companies to characterize reservoir fluids, determine storage capacity and the ability of fluids to flow through porous media and analyze multiphase flow of produced fluids in pipelines.

These upstream exploration and production Total Quality Assurances are designed to maximize oil and gas recovery and minimize risks during production operations.
Our main objective is to provide high-quality and timely services to develop innovative solutions for today’s exploration and production challenges.

Driven By Values, Delivering On A Vision.

OPCL is an indigenous Petroleum and Natural Gas Exploration and Production company improving customers' satisfaction...